Review of the blogosphere: april 6, 2012

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In Europe, no longer need to convince anyone that Yanukovych can not be trusted.

Sentencing the former "environmental" Minister Georgy Filipchuk, of course, will not be accepted by the world as the previous Ukrainian court verdicts that sent to jail Yulia Tymoshenko and Yuriy Lutsenko. Bundestag deputy harsh reaction from the "green" Viola von Cramon - is, of course, is not the reaction of Angela Merkel and Hillary Clinton.

Drunken Sons "Regions" broke in Transcarpathia police car. And went to the police. 


Once in the company car "VAZ-2106," the inspector went to the car GPS. The intruder ignored a road sign "STOP" before the crossing, after which the inspector included beacon and siren and continued the pursuit. On the contrary one of the shops car "KIA" has stopped, the inspector went to the GPS driver, showed the business card and asked the driver to produce documents and to explain the reasons for traffic violations.

Who should take the lead Prosecutor General's Office?


Especially for the benefit of Kuzmin said that it is the Donetsk group influence, and long-tested loyalty to her. The family in the event of such appointment shall not lose influence, but on the contrary will be able to increase their confidence in him, because Pshonka could decide at a separate action and decide to sit out in the future Verkhovna Rada in case of unforeseen situations

Yanukovych's a show is terrible and disgusting - Tymoshenko


Viktor Yanukovych, I do not need your comfort and the "service" either in prison or in hospital. I am aware that it is dirty and mediocre promotional campaign for budget money. Millions of people suffer from not having money to buy yourself or your children, even urgently needed drugs, get medical care even for their terminally ill loved people, and you arrange a demonstration of luxury in the prisons and hospitals for PR

Ivashchenko could not rise to the courtroom

Boris Nichiporenko, lawyers Ivashchenko said that the defendant the day before feeling sick and therefore asked the court to recess in the trial had at least one day, to undergo the necessary medical protsedur. Recall: August 20, 2010 - the General Directorate Military Prosecutor's General Prosecutor's Office instituted criminal proceedings with respect to 55-year-old Valery Vladimirovich Ivaschenko under Part 2 of Art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

In 2013 Ukraine's return to school Russian language

Recall that the Ministry is headed by ex-chairman of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine 1994-2005 gg. Dmitry Tabachnik, formally renounced nationality "Ukrainian" and declared himself "Little Russia." According to his published an open letter to the media, no such thing as "Ukraine" in the modern history does not exist.

Merkel calls for treatment and Tymoshenko proposes Yanukovich ultimatum

Back in December, Merkel put forward the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, an ultimatum that Germany will sign an association agreement with Ukraine, the EU only if Tymoshenko will be released and will take part in parliamentary elections.




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