Вслед за TBi продают Kyiv Post. Кто следующий?
If newspapers took out classified ads, this one might say...
Owner of scrappy, independent watchdog of the public good seeks qualified buyer. Newspaper is located in developing nation with huge problems and huge potential. Its fair, accurate, insightful news coverage by a stellar group of international journalists is respected by those in and out of power alike. The newspaper and its website are must-reads for expatriates, the business and diplomatic communities, English-speaking citizens of the nation and people abroad interested in the region. Some investment required for the digital age, but overall prospects are bright if managed well. Oligarchs need not apply (unless they respect editorial independence). Only serious offers considered. More details available upon request.
Медиарынки Порошенко и Ахметова уходят. Досье Бориса Ложкина
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