«Это мусульманская территория. Нас не гребёт!» - вечером в Лондоне лучше не выходить на улицу
Non-whites taking over parts of London which is now, according to the official 2011 census, less 45% White British.
That is the Indigenous people are a minority in London.
In 3 other major cities in England already, the indigenous British are minorities.
If current immigration levels continue, coupled with high breeding rates of non-Whites, Europeans will be a minority in Britain before 2050 and virtually extinct by the end of the century. The same is happening to all of Europe.
Britain will soon become a third world country and all your ancestor's work, achievements and heritage will be for nought.
There is no genetic difference between the cowardly Brits (and other Europeans) today and the strong Brits of only a few decades ago, other than anti-white brainwashing through the school system and controlled media. You can overcome this and become a proud whole people again. It is in your genes.
You cannot run forever. You either stand up now or be forgotten in history.
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