Режисера Павла Юрова, який зник у Слов'янську, досі не знайдено

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Зниклі Павло Юров і Денис Грищук

Тривають пошуки Павла Юрова і Дениса Грищука після їх зникнення у Слов'янську 25 квітня 2014 року. Міжнародна спільнота опублікувала лист на підтримку й актуалізацію заходів щодо посилення пошуків державними органами України. Звертаємося до всіх небайдужих митців підтримати міжнародну ініціативу. Свої підписи просимо надсилати на адресу: [email protected], вказавши англійською мовою своє ім'я, празвище, посаду й інституцію, до якої належите, а також країну і місто проживання.

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Обращение об освобождении Павла Юрова и Дениса Грищукa.

Мы, ниже подписанные, обращаемся с просьбой освободить Павла Юрова и Дениса Грищукa, которые начиная с пятницы удерживаются сепаратистами в Славянскe.

Павел Юров (1980 года рождения) - театральный режиссер и Денис Гришчук (1985 года рождения) — волонтер, занимающийся художественнoй деятельностью, приехали в Славянск в пятницу 25 апреля. В этот же день они должны были вернуться в Киев. Во второй половине дня они перестали отвечать на телефонные звонки. В понедельник, 28 апреля, родственники узнали, что Павел и Денис были задержаны сепаратистами в Славянске. С Павлом и Денисом невозможно установить контакт, узнать когда они могут выйти на свободу или что именно оказалось причиной их задержания.

Павел Юров является театральным режиссером, деятелем культуры и лауреатом награды Киевский Пекторал 2011. Он является автором программы «ДрамПортал», которая продвигает современную мировую драматургию, а также партнерoм сети Восточноевропейской Платформой Перформативных Искусств.

Мы обращаемся с просьбой освободить Павла Юрова и Дениса Гришчука.

Мы надеемся, что это международное обращение людей культуры принесет положительный эффект и Павел Юров вместе с Денисом Гришчуком целыми и невредимыми смогут вернуться к себе домой и продолжить свою культурную деятельность.


Appeal for the release of Pavlo Yurov and Denis Hryshchuk

We appeal for release of Pavlo Yurov and Denis Hryshchuk, two Ukrainian citizens that are being detained by separatists in Sloviansk, Ukraine.

Pavlo Yurov (b. 1980), a theatre director and Denis Hryshchuk (ur. 1985), volunteer in the arts, came to Sloviansk on Friday, April 25. On the same day they were supposed to start their journey back to Kiev. In the afternoon of the 25th they stopped answering phone calls. By Monday, April 28 their families were informed that Pavlo and Denis had been detained by separatists. There is no way of contacting them, no information when they will be released or what provoked their detention.

Pavlo Jurov is a renowned theatre director, cultural operator, winner of the Kyiv Pectoral award, creator of “DramPortal” - a project promoting new world drama, a well-recognised artist at the most important Ukrainian theatre festivals and a cooperator of the East European Performing Arts Platform.

We call for the instant release of Pavlo Yurov and Denis Hryshchuk.

We believe that this global appeal by international cultural operators will be effective and that Pavel and Denis will be able to safely return to their homes and continue their artistic work.

Apel o uwolnienie Pavlo Yurova oraz Denisa Hryshchuka

Apelujemy o uwolnienie Pavlo Yurova oraz Denisa Hryshchuka, którzy od piątku przetrzymywani są przez separatystów w Słowiańsku na Ukrainie. 

Pavlo Yurov (ur. 1980), reżyser teatralny oraz Denis Hryshchuk (ur. 1985), wolontariusz zaangażowany w działania artystyczne, w piątek 25 kwietnia przyjechali do Słowiańska, skąd tego samego dnia mieli wracać do Kijowa. Po południu ich telefony zamilkły. W poniedziałek, 28 kwietnia do rodzin dotarły wiadomości, że Pavlo i Denis są zatrzymani przez separatystów. Nie ma z nimi kontaktu, nie wiadomo, kiedy zostaną uwolnieni, nie wiadomo, co jest przyczyną zatrzymania. 

Pavlo Yurov jest reżyserem teatralnym, działaczem kultury, laureatem nagrody Kijowski Pektorał 2011, twórcą inicjatywy promującej współczesną światową dramaturgię „DramPortal”, współpracownikiem najważniejszych ukraińskich festiwali teatralnych oraz sieci East European Performing Arts Platform. 

Apelujemy o natychmiastowe uwolnienie Pavla Yurova i Denisa Hryshchuka. 

Wierzymy, że ten międzynarodowy apel ludzi kultury przyniesie efekt i Pavel Yurov oraz Denis Hryshchuk jak najszybciej będą mogli wrócić bezpiecznie do swoich domów i kontynuować swoja pracę artystyczną.

1. Joanna Wichowska, theatre critic, curator,, EEPAP, Warsaw, Poland
2. Marta Keil, curator, EEPAP, Warsaw/Lublin, Poland
3. Daria Odija, producer, EEPAP, Warsaw/Lublin, Poland
4. Goran Injac, curator, EEPAP, Poland/Serbia
5. Grzegorz Reske, producer, Centre for Culture in Lublin, Poland
6. Sean Palmer, performer, Warsaw/Poland-London, England
7. Dominika Biernat, actrees, Teatr Nowy w Łodzi, Warsaw, Poland
8. Dawid Żakowski, actor, theatre director, Fundacja Sztuka Nowa, Warsaw, Poland
9. Andre Erlen, theatre director, Theatre Futur 3, Cologne, Germany
10. Mariana Sadovska, singer, composer, Cologne, Germany
11. Megan Hughes, Pavlo’s friend, USA
12. Anna Voitenko, photographer, Ukraine
13. Nvard Yerkanian, co-founder, curator at AJZ Space, Yerevan, Armenia
14. Tatiana Kochubinska, Junior Curator, PinchukArtCentre, Kiev, Ukraine
15. James Nicola, Artistic Director, New York Theatre Workshop, NY, USA
16. John A. Caldwell, long-time member of Actors Equity Association, USA
17. Emily Galvin, Jewelry Artist, Cary, North Carolina, United States
18. Josefin Andersson, student at Oslo Art Academy, Norway
19. Petra Maria Wirth, set design, Cologne, Germany
20. Jana Marscheider, freelancer, arts management, Cologne, Germany
21. Izabela Szymańska, journalist, Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland
22. Judith Heese, freelancer cultural management, project management, organisation and production management, Cologne, Germany
23. Waclaw Sobaszek, Theatre Director, Teatr Wegajty, Poland
24. Olga Shalabanova, bachelor of translation, Ukraine
25. Viktoria Shvydko, director of Culture Center Zboishcha, curator of Workshop "Drabyna", Lviv, Ukraine
26. Rolf Emmerich, director of Sommerblut Festival Cologne, Germany
27. Iryna Makarevych, chief specialist, department of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of the Kyiv City State Administration, Ukraine 
28. Iryna Chuzhynova, editor-in-chief assistant in "Ukrainian theatre" magazine, the head of NGO "Theatre platform”, Ukraine
29. Hanna Veselovska, doctor of Science, professor, Karpenko-Karyi Kiyv University of Theatre, Cinema and Television, Ukraine
30. Iryna Plekhova, manager of culture projects, Informational Agency of Cultural Industries, Kyiv, Ukraine
31. Halyna Tanay, journalist at, Ukraine
32. Magda Sobolewska, member of Association of Culture Practitioner, Warsaw, Poland
33. Andjelka Jankovic, producer, Bitef theater, Belgrad, Serbia
34. Anka Herbut, dramaturg, Poland
35. Iulia Popovici, journalist, Bucharest, Romania
36. Marta Wójcicka, cultural manager, president of Studio Teatralne Koło Association, Warsaw, Poland
37. Arco Renz, artistic director, Kobalt Works, Brussels, Belgium
38. Julia Sinkevych, Odessa International Film Festival, Ukraine
39. Anna-Maria Karczmarska, visual artist and scenographer, Poland
40. Aleksandra Janiszewska, art historian, Poland
41. Joel Gilardini, guitarist, sound researcher, experimentalist, Zürich, Switzerland
42. Hattie Morahan, actor, United Kingdom
43. Roman Pawłowski, journalist, Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland
44. Jaime Ashworth, independent researcher, United Kingdom
45. Ivor Benjamin, trustee & chair, on behalf of the Boards of the Directors Guild Trust & the Directors Guild of Great Britain
46. Andy Field, co-director, Forest Fringe, UK
47. Carlota Oliva Ericsson, Spain
48. Kai Rushton, science teacher at Social Arts For Education, Eltham, London, UK
49. Sofia Olsson, artist, Malmö, Sweden
50. Hakan Silahsizoglu, cultural operator, actor producer, London, UK/Istanbul, Turkey
51. Eve Leigh, creative director, All Change Festival, UK
52. Ebru Gökdağ, associate Professor at Anadolu University, State Consevatory, Turkey
53. Alex Zakletsky, photographer, Kiev, Ukraine
54. Aleksandra Wroblewska coordinator, American Jewish Committee Berlin Office, Germany
55. Elizabeth Wright, freelance theatre designer, UK
56. Andrew Haydon, theatre critic, UK
57. Natalia Korobenko, director, Ukraine
58. Marta Bryś, theatre critic, pHD student Jagiellonian University, Poland
59. Penelope McGhie, actor, London, UK
60. Waldemar Tatarczuk, director of Galeria Labirynt, Poland
61. Ferdy Roberts, co-artistic director Filter Theatre, Artistic Associate Lyric Theatre Hammersmith, UK
62. Neda Nezhdana, dramatist, director of drama projects at Les Kurbas Centre in Kiev, Ukraine
63. Andriy Zayarnyuk, associate Professor, University of Winnipeg, Canada
64. Tiffany Watt Smith, research fellow, Queen Mary University of London, UK 
65. Estelle Delavennat, student, National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, France
66. Liz Pugh, UK Theatre Producer, recently working with the British Council in Ukraine
67. Dominique Dolmieu, European Cultural Centre, France
68. André Erlen, theatre director and festival curator, Cologne, Germany
69. Mariam Agamian, Ukraine
70. Noemi Herczog, co-president of the Hungarian Theatre Critics' Association, Hungary
71. Natalia Otrishchenko, sociologist, Institute of sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Centre for Urban History of East Central Europe
72. Agata Diduszko-Zyglewska, journalist, Political Critique
73. Marysia Nikitiuk, author, director, film director, Ukraine
74. Yaman Erzurumlu, Theater After Six, Turkey
75. Ziya Cemre Kutluay, Kadir Has University, Lab Coordinator, Istanbul, Turkey
76. Anastasia Gaishenets, theatre critic, vice editor-in-chief “Ukrainian Theatre”
77. Ika Sienkiewicz-Nowacka, chief curator, A-I-R Laboratory, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Poland
78. Oksana Savchenko, dramatist, correspondent of "Big issue" in the magazine "Focus", Ukraine
79. Sergiej Radchenko, actor, Ukraine
80. Gorban Iryna, art-director Centre of Contemporary Art DAKH, Festival Gogolfest, Ukraine
81. Allan Levitov, screenwriter, Ukraine
82. Oxana Kriss, student of Human Rights Law and Policy in UNSW, Sydney, Australia 
83. Anna Kryvenko, artist, student, Ukraine/Czech Republic
84. James Martin Charlton, director of Programmes, Media Arts, Media Department, Middlesex University, London, UK
85. Dariusz Kosiński, Professor at Jagiellonian University, vice director of Theatre Institute in Warsaw, Poland
86. Erín Moure, translator (Montreal) and Writer-in-residence, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
87. Walter Bilderback, dramaturg, The Wilma Theater, Philadelphia, USA
88. Rebecca Moore, Washington DC, USA
89. Mayhill Fowler, assistant Professor, Stetson University, USA
90. Emma McMorrow, company director, Smoulder Productions, UK
91. David Sypniewski, cultural animator, a board member of the Association of Culture Practitioners, Poland
92. Maksym Kurochkin, dramaturg, Ukraine
93. Sabine Reich, managing dramaturg of Schauspielhaus Bochum, Bochum, Germany
94. Maciej Bernatowicz, computer scientist, entrepreneur, Poland
95. Fortin Léonard, Artist, France
96. Oleg Antonenko, multimedia producer, UK
97. Liubov Yeremicheva, manager, GURT Resource Centre, Ukraine
98. Viktor Sobiianskyi, theatrologist, lecturer of theatre department at Karpenko-Karyi Kiyv University of Theatre, Cinema and Television, vice director of “Theatre platform” organization
99. Homanyuk Mykola, sociologist, Kherson, Ukraine
100. Christopher Haydon, Artistic Director, Gate Theatre, London, UK
101. Ungvári-Zrínyi Ildikó, Professor, University of Arts Tg-Mures, Theatre Department, Romania
102. Marianna Dobkowska, curator, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
103. Pavlo Arie, playwright, theater activist, Ukraine
104. Oana Maria Georgescu, Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt, Germany
105. Stefan H. Kraft, artistic leader Futur3, Cologne, Germany
106. Lasha Chkhartishvili, theatre critic, head of Modern Georgian Theatre Research Center, Georgia,
107. Daria Olynyk, Ukraine
108. Aleksandra Dzik, student, Anthropology on Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
109. Audronis Liuga, Artistic Director, Lithuanian National Drama Theatre, Vilnius, Lithuania
110. Ara Nedolyan, theatrologist, Yerevan, Armenia
111. Miki Braniste, director of the Festival Temps d'images in Cluj, president of the Colectiv A Association, Romania
112. Julia Sosnovska, journalist, Ukraine
113. Gemma Brockis, Shunt theatre, London, UK
114. Rita Sebestyen, PhD, Project leader: Representations of the Other: Language, Body and Space in Cross-cultural Performances, Elsinore, Denmark
115. Jaroslav Hanchuk, freelancer, Kyiv, Ukraine
116. Oleg Chorny, film direcor and media artist, member of Ukrainian filmmakers union, Kyiv, Ukraine
117. Josh Harris, Web Designer, USA
118. Gundega Laivina, Director, New Theatre Institute of Latvia
119. Anna Lypkivska, theatrologist, Ukraine
120. Julia Aleksandrova, regional representative, Kiev, Ukraine
121. Oksana Aleksandrova, architect, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
122. Ludmila Nikolaeva, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
123. Andriej Szczytko, professor, director of National Theatre in Charkiv
124. Lesia Khodkevych, Kiev, Ukraine
125. Kozlov Aleksei, Kiev, Ukraine
126. Pokrasova Elena, Uman, Ukraine
127. Johansson Marina, Sweden, Enkoping
128. Anete Kestere, design student in Berlin, Germany from Riga, Latvia
129. Homrnko Kristina, photographer, Ukraine
130. Prodan Lidia, props master, production designer, freelancer, Ukraine
131. Anja Jazeschann, actress, Cologne, Germany
132. Wassily Kolodzinskyi, Dordrecht, Netherlands
133. John Donnelly, playwright, London
134. Andrii Rogachov, sound director, Ukraine
135. Andrzej Hamerski, head of International Relations Department, Teatr Nowy im. T. Łomnickiego, Poznan, Poland
136. Jelena Kovačić, dramaturg, Croatia
137. Elcin Ceferov, Press Secretary at National Azerbaijan Drama Theatre
138. Mariia Ponomarova, film director, Babylon13, Ukraine
139. Salij Vitalij Nikolajevich, actor of Drama and Comedy Theatre in Kiev
140. Orest Crysa, musician, artist, Ukraine
141. Barry L. Wilson Sr., Supervisor Dairy/Frozen@ Walmart, USA
142. Alexander Frost, musician, composer, UK 
143. Victor Morozov, musician, translator, Lviv, Ukraine / Washington, DC, USA
144. Lynne Devine, USA
145. Agnieszka Blonska, theatre director, Poland
146. Kobzar Tatiana Vasilivna, actress, theatre pedagogue, speech for stage at National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television in Kiev
147. Tetiana Kytsenko, playwright, Ukraine
148. Jurij Mazur, translator, Ukraine
149. Nadiya Lytvyn, project manager in Art workshop Drabyna, Ukraine, Lviv
150. Oleg MASYK, student in Bordeaux Montaigne, Bordeaux, France
151. Yaroslava Bondarchuk, art manager, Kharkiv, Ukraine
152. Myroslava Horoshyn, film director, Ukraine
153. John Freedman, writer, translator, editor-in-chief, “The Moscow Times”, Moscow, Russia
154. Andrij Bochko, actor, Maria Zankovetska National Drama Theatre in Lviv, Ukraine
155. Natalia Vorozhbyt, playwright, Ukraine
156. Olesya Kamyshnykova, PhD student, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine
157. Oana Stoica, drama critic and journalist, Bucharest, Romania 
158. Nina Tintar, Romania
159. Den Gumenniy, playwright, journalist, curator “Week of actual play”
160. Olga Maciupa, University Maria Sklodovska-Curie in Lublin, Poland
161. Maciej Gorczyński, student of the directing department of Academy for the Dramatic Arts in Krakow, actor of European Centre for Theatre Practices GARDZIENICE, Poland
162. Tatiana Kasilova, engineer, Ukraine
163. Vasyl Bilous, actor, theatre manager, Ukraine
164. Elena Budnik, manager of TV channel M1, Ukraine 
165. Daria Chernyak, student of FAMU (Prague), Russia
166. Simon Mozgovoy, cinema director, theatre actor of ”Dakh”
167. Miruna Runcan PhD, Professor, Babes Bolyai University Cluj, Romania
168. Daria Yurevna, assistant of artistic director, Kiev Academic Young Spectators’ Theatre on Lipki, Ukraine
169. Daria Pal-Calinescu, theater critic, Italy
170. Natalia Iohvidova, actress, Sankt – Peterburg, Russia
171. Aleksander

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