Британская полиция разыскивает члена семьи Януковича. ВИДЕО
В последнеевремя в центре Лондона имел местосимволический инцидент. Пьяныйпредставитель New Age Донецких парнейзашел в паб в сопровождении своей жены.Был концерт рок-группы, и все было весело.Но гостю из Украины что-то не понравилосьи он начал распускать руки. Завязаласьборьба. Один из русско-говорящих гостейпаба пытался поговорить с ним. В ответпосыпались угрозы и запугивания.НовоДонецкий парень представился членомсемьи президента Януковича.
Вдебошире узнали человека похожего наБелякова Виталия, президента Ассоциациифинансовых, промышленных и торговыхпредприятий «Донбасский расчетно-финансовыйцентр» (ДРФЦ).
The New Donetsk Gays beat theBritish, destroy democracy and welcome to visit Euro 2012championship. Let’s focus on Ukraine. Very soon, we might go to thegeographical center of Europe, Ukraine, and cheer for our footballteam. What awaits us? Is it safe to travel there?
So what dowe know about Ukraine? Not so much. We know that it is a formerSoviet republic. We heard about a victory of democracy in OrangeRevolution. And now – the Euro as Adequate recognition ofdemocratic developement vector.
However, it isn’t that easy,as it may look from first glance. Orange Revolution was strangled.Criminals returned to power. The new comes from the Donetsk region.This is the region in the east of Ukraine, which is rich for coal.And – the heart of Ukrainian mafia. Yanukovych’s PR forces creatthe image of the western-focusing president, guided by the Europeanvalues. But, just look at what happens with the opposition and allbecomes clear.
The leader of the opposition movement, theleader of the Orange Revolution, Yulia Tymoshenko has beenimprisoned. Terribly sick, in prison, it is excluded from activeparticipation in political life on the eve of elections in to theparliament. Such actions can be characterized as the dictatorial, andthis is happening in 2012 in the very heart of Europe. The fish rotsfrom the head.
With the advent of Yanukovych’s, Donetsk hasbeen flooded with cash flows. Businessmen closely connected with theMafia began to earn billions. Mad Money deprived mind. Recently, inthe heart of London a symbolic incident took place. A drunkrepresentative of New Age Donetsk Guys entered a pub accompanied byhis wife. There was a concert of rock band, and everyone had fun. Butthe visitor from Ukraine did not like how he was accidentallytouched, and he began to dissolve hands. Struck up a fight. One ofthe Russian-speaking guests of the pub tried to talk to him. Inresponse, showered with death threats and intimidation. The New AgeDonetsk guy introduced himself as a member of President Yanukovychfamily. Finally, police officers calmed the situation, but thesediment remained.
By existing identikit and video, wesearched for this man in Ukraine. Most of the description fits toVitaly Belyakov, Ukrainian coal magnate.
What kind ofpunishment he received for a fight, not a one. He was released aftergetting a verbal warning.
England had already passed it in theearly nineties with the new Russian, the times returne…
Ifyou are going to watch the games at Euro 2012, we recommend torefrain from visiting Ukraine, and aspasialy Donetsk. This is not acivilized region, where everything is decided by the Mafia. There,you can expect anything to happen. Better at home on the couch or ina pub with friends. Take care of yourself.
Напомним,это не первый случай мажорского куражаи дебоша за границей людей из окруженияАлександра Януковича. Не так давно вИзраиле был задержан полицией за избиениежены и ребенка СтесевскийАндрей, председатель Национальнойкомиссии, осуществляющий госрегулированиев сфере рынков финуслуг.
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